5 Resolutions in 2020 for CIOs and Digital Transformation Officers
Every year the job for CIOs and Digital Transformation Officers gets tougher. They can thank the evolution of technology. As innovation goes, the path to new disruptive technologies has always been unending. But the pace of evolution keeps getting faster, and...
Threading the Needle of ASPICE with IBM ELM, AI and Machine Learning
IBM has a great smartpaper online called Driving ahead with ASPICE that discusses what automotive engineers are up against by way of current technology in the vehicles they design. Namely, throughout the course of the design process, it’s become routine for an...
IBM’s Thinking Behind ELM and Meeting the Scale of Increasing Product Development Complexity
Is the complexity of product development and software engineering increasing… or has it increased already? The answer is, both. The thing about engineering and developing new products is that complexity is constant, and that it increases continually as technology and...
5 Ways Digital Transformation Will Continue to Impact Businesses
Throughout 2020, digital transformation will be relentless. It will continue to impact businesses of all kinds, in literally thousands of ways. And trust us, there are thousands of “Top X” lists being published right now classifying which digital tech trends will be...