Coming to a Theatre Near You

Coming to a Theatre Near You

Design Thinking is all about putting the user at the center of every solution, designing an end-product that caters to their needs. While this sometimes means developing a project from its inception to its materialization, it can also mean re-examining the...
Solution Design with ClearObject

Solution Design with ClearObject

Our team works to ensure that your custom solution addresses your business needs, and the needs of your users. Check out the infographic below to better understand just how we do it.
Innovative Results Begin with Intentional Design

Innovative Results Begin with Intentional Design

When IoT first emerged, there was an overwhelming rush to explore the potential it held. This resulted in the market being flooded with over-engineered solutions, platforms, and toolsets. Everything IoT could do became wrapped into industry offerings. No matter the...
How to Disrupt Healthcare 101

How to Disrupt Healthcare 101

Last night during the State of the Union (or Uniom depending on your ticket), it was a major focus of the address: healthcare reform. The same evening, news was breaking about a potential disruption of the entire healthcare industry. Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and...
Smart Pill Bottles Promoting Smarter Treatment

Smart Pill Bottles Promoting Smarter Treatment

Medication is only an effective treatment if you use it properly, and this extends to remembering when to take it. It can be difficult to recall when you are due for another dose or when you last took your medicine, especially if you suffer from memory loss. Adhere...
Automating the Senses

Automating the Senses

Thanks to the Internet of Things and machine learning, artificial intelligence technology is becoming smarter and smarter. Computers and machines are capable of doing more than ever before, and nothing seems to be slowing down. This is especially true for the Koniku...