AI for the Food & Beverage Industry

Food & Beverage companies are always at the forefront of innovation, from food combinations, to packaging, to production methods. Leading F&B businesses are continuing this trend through early adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions to reduce waste, decrease cost and enforce regulatory compliance, all while increasing profits. 

Food manufacturing facility

Overview: Artificial Intelligence for Food & Beverage

Food manufacturing facility

Vision AI: Your Eye in the Sky

Imagine having an eagle-eyed inspector on every production line, scanning thousands of items per minute. Vision AI technology uses cameras and machine learning to “see” and analyze objects in real-time. Identify bruised fruit, detect foreign objects in packaging, or monitor equipment for wear and tear – all automatically and with superhuman accuracy. Boost quality control, streamline production, and minimize waste, giving you a clear vision for operational excellence.

Abstract graphic of a computer imaged brain

GenAI: F&B Innovation at Scale

Imagine a culinary mastermind churning out innovative recipes and packaging designs around the clock. GenAI, or Generative AI, “learns” from vast datasets to create entirely new content. Think personalized recipe recommendations, targeted marketing visuals, or even AI-designed packaging that resonates with your audience. GenAI unlocks a world of possibilities, accelerating product development, enhancing customer engagement, and driving brand growth.

Featured Vision AI Use Case:

Food Date Labeling Verification

The Food Labeling Act of 2023 is poised to reshape the way products are labeled and usher in a new era of transparency and accountability. The FDA will could begin to enforce these stricter guidelines on Food Date Labeling (sometimes referred to as Code Date Labels) as early as January 2026, in efforts to improve transparency, reduce health and safety risks, and decrease environmental impacts.

ClearObject Vision AI solutions can be installed on your existing lines to identify if the code date label is missing, misplaced, hard to read, or if the printer is running low on ink. Proper labeling helps manufacturers avoid chargebacks and fines while maintaining compliance.

Image depicting two candy packages, one with a clearly printed "best by" date, the other which is misaligned and hard to read.

Vision AI for Food & Beverage: Benefits and Use Cases

Key Benefits:

  • Improved quality control & inspection

Are there enough raisins in your granola? Do your waffle fries contain any blemishes? Vision sensors with AI data analysis can consistently monitor production and identify variations when action needs to be taken.

  • Increased efficiency & productivity

Vision sensors can identify variations before they become a major problem. Feeding data back to the PLC triggers changes to keep your production on track.

  • Reduced waste & cost savings

Get the most out of every batch while increasing product consistency with automated quality control and equipment health monitoring.

  • Enhanced safety & traceability

Remove human inspectors from dangerous environments and follow labeling requirements with accurate, legible code date labeling.

  • Optimized inventory management

Vision AI tracks inventory usage and can identify the best time to order supplies based history, seasonality, and even weather patterns.

Use Cases:

  • Automated inspection of fruits, vegetables, and packaged goods for size, ripeness, defects, etc.

Vision monitoring can clearly identify which items are not suitable for distribution based on the guidelines you set.

  • Real-time monitoring of production lines for equipment malfunctions and safety hazards

Equipment Health Monitoring (EHM) can identify issues, help order replacement parts, and provide guidance on how to alleviate any hazards before they stop production. 

  • Tracking inventory levels and optimizing restocking processes

Streamline inventory as Vision AI helps keep items in stock when you need them. 

  • Food Date Label verifications

Build customer confidence and avoid chargebacks, potential fines, and more by ensuring code date labels, best by dates, use before dates, and other packaging details are placed properly and easy to read. 


On-demand Webinar

Promo image for Food Date Labeling Compliance webinar

Food Date Label Monitoring with Vision AI

The Food Labeling Act of 2023 is poised to reshape the way products are labeled and usher in a new era of transparency and accountability. ClearObject Vision AI solutions can be installed on your existing lines to identify if the code date label is missing, misplaced, hard to read, or if the printer is running low on ink. Learn about food labeling along with the Food Traceability Act and new SEC rules for reporting on emissions, and how Vision AI can help. 

Featured Generative AI Use Case:

Data Insights for Shift Managers

Generative AI can easily translate conversational questions about production and packaging lines and provide managers with real-time insights into efficiency, defect rates, equipment health and more. Thanks to large language models, managers can ask questions like “How does material waste percentage this hour compare to yesterday’s average?” and receive an answer in an easy to understand format.

Two workers on the factory floor gaining insight from data on a tablet

GenAI for Food & Beverage: Benefits and Use Cases

Key Benefits:

  • Personalized product development & marketing

GenAI can pull and interpret unprecedented amounts of data to help brainstorm and create new product ideas, promotional campaigns, and even ad copy. 

  • Streamlined content creation & recipe generation

With deep learning models, Generative AI is able to iterate on content (including recipes) and predict what may or may not be a hit with your customers.

  • Enhanced consumer engagement & experience

Trained through large lanugage models (LLMs), GenAI can help personalize recommendations for customers and communicate with them in natural-sounding language.

  • Improved demand forecasting & supply chain optimization

Analyzing past demand, current trends, seasonality, weather trends and more is a snap for Generative AI. What used to take weeks can now take seconds.

Use Cases:

  • Predicting consumer demand and optimizing production schedules to reduce waste

AI isn’t just for the factory floor. GenAI can help businesses evaluate prior demand, demand for similar products, and current market trends to formulate more accurate predictions for the current season. 

  • Creating targeted marketing campaigns with AI-generated visuals and descriptions

GenAI is increasingly being used to assist creative teams with idea iteration and actual content creation, increasing efficiency and results. 

  • Optimizing food packaging design and labeling for maximum appeal

Use knowledge of successful and innovative design combined with specification requirements from distributors, retailers, and regulatory agencies to design and properly label packing your customers will love.

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Related Resources

ClearVision for QSRs

Customers are shifting from in-store experiences to drive-thru, pick up, and delivery services more rapidly than ever. This requires a change in operations.  Computer Vision helps solve these challenges.

High-tech Approach to Wastewater Inspections

The City of Fishers, IN is leading the way in infrastructure management and supporting local innovation with ClearVision—an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system created by Fishers-based tech leader ClearObject—to address the challenges of assessing wastewater utility infrastructure.

What are Soft Sensors?

Soft sensors use machine learning algorithms and other mathematical models to estimate process variables such as temperature, pressure, and flow rate based on other available data.

Vision AI for Manufacturing Frequently Asked Questions

ClearVision’s Vision AI is cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) designed to process input from camera arrays quickly and accurately. ClearObject will train the AI to meet the individual needs of each manufacturing process.

Of course! There are many benefits to using AI in manufacturing, including:

  • ClearVision is faster and more accurate than traditional visual inspection methods.
  • AI processes data and presents actionable insights in real time.
  • AI improvements in automation increase safety
  • AI can 24x7 and increase throughput
  • High ROI increases your competitive position in the market

ClearVision for Manufacturing costs less than you think with a high ROI. Contact Us to get a quote based on your specific needs. 

A lights out manufacturing system, or “LOM”, is an automated production process that runs without the need for direct human supervision or intervention. The goal of a lights out manufacturing system is to reduce labor costs, increase efficiency and minimize human error. This is achieved by using advanced technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms.

Yes. ClearVision can work with your current cameras and integrates with popular asset management systems giving you complete control and insight to your data. Contact Us to learn more about our integrations.

ClearVision is a cloud-based AI analytics platform provided by ClearObject. Our hardware experts are available to consult on the right hardware requirements based on your specific needs, or we can tie our software to your existing camera technology.Our experts will help you select products to solve your unique challenges and work with you to determine who will procure and manage the hardware.